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“Drinking water matters but showering water matters, too." 21St century is facing shortage of water. Korea is also short of water. With El Nino from climate and environment changes and different harmful conditions resulting from economic development, different types of diseases are arising. Children, women, and men are suffering atopic dermatitis. Climate, environment, and water have been polluted so your washing water matter. TwoTwo purifying shower will change everything. You just need to change any shower with TwoTwo in order to enjoy 3-times higher pressure. Water usage will be unconditionally saved by 20-40%. It features distinguished water stop function. The filter is replaceable in the same manner with drinking water purifying filter. “Drinking water matters but showering water matters, too." There are few replaceable shower filter. Shower filter definitely requires replacement. Water piping becomes full of rust, bacteria, and harmful matters as time goes by. So TwoTwo purifying shower offers 2 filter replacement options. You just need to make a choice for your house. The one is antibacterial ball and tourmaline filter to remove bacteria and foreign matters with negative ion and the other one is segment filter to filter out rust, debris, foreign matters, earth, sand, and harmful matters.
Company Profile
- Business Type Manufacturer
- Year Established 2015
- Location South Korea
- Main Markets China,Japan,U.S.A
- Total Employees 1-50 People
- Homepage http://www.twotwo2.com